Author Archives: WayneGarrett

2019 Annual General Meeting

This year’s AGM will be held on 26 April 2019 at The Guildhall in Windsor.  The meeting will commence at 10:00 and finish before 13:00 (tea and coffee will be available from 09:30).

Quotas for January 2019 to 31 March 2019

Happy New Year!

Quotas for January 2019 to 31 March 2019 will be £50,000 for each local authority.

Quotas for October to December 2018

Quotas during October to end of December 2018 will remain at £50,000 for each Local Authority.

Quotas for 01 July to 30 September 2018

The quotas for this quarter will be £50,000 for each local authority.

Dawn Howse

2018 AGM

Just to confirm that the AGM will definitely be held at the Guildhall, Windsor.  All other information (below) is unchanged.

Martyn Clemence

Posted 29 March 2018


2018 Annual General Meeting

This year’s AGM will be held on 20 April, although it is not yet known whether it will be at the Guildhall in Windsor, or the Town Hall in Maidenhead.  I will be able to confirm after 20 March.  The meeting will commence at 10:00 and finish before 13:00 (tea and coffee will be available from 09:30).


Martyn Clemence

Posted 26 February 2018


Equity Release Loans

We are receiving more and more enquiries from people with an existing equity release loan.  May I remind you that it is essential to check with FHIL before proceeding with any case where equity release is involved.

A quick look at section 10.2 on page 13 of the Procedures and Compliance Manual will give you some typical names for equity release products but companies are creating new names all the time.  Be very proactive in checking for equity release and always ring FHIL if you are unsure.

Martyn Clemence

Posted 13 September 2017

Quotas for 01 July to 30 September 2017

The quotas for this quarter will be identical to the last one and each local authority will have £73,500.

Martyn Clemence

Posted 10 July 2017

Quotas for the period 01 April 2017 to 30 June 2017

As agreed at the AGM on 28 April 2017, each local authority will have identical quotas and the principle will be reviewed at the AGM next year.
I have revised the previously published figures to give each member £73,500 for this quarter. This figure reflects the exceptionally high volume of repayments in the last six months.

Martyn Clemence

Posted 10 May 2017

Credit Checks

We have now set up a facility for Equifax to provide Credit Reports for cases where Credit Checks are required, or where officers have concerns about prospective borrowers.

Use the same button on the StreetSERVE portal to commence the process but the completed Credit Check request should be e-mailed to FHIL instead of StreetUK.

Full information is in section 6 on page 11 of the latest StreetSERVE Manual version 3.1, which can be found in the Downloads window of this site.

Posted 01 March 2017